Individual Therapy
My individual therapy services involve a relational, non-judgmental approach. Together, we will be exploring your family and socio-demographic history. We will endeavor to understand and resolve your mental health issues that will encourage a meaningful and satisfying life for you.

Arlington, VA by Lorraine B. Wodiska
We will also consider what triggers challenging feelings for you and subsequent coping mechanisms. From here, we can understand and shift your decision-making process to be most effective when resolving conflicts and challenges.

New Zealand by Lorraine B. Wodiska

Newberg, Oregon by Lorraine B. Wodiska
What Can Individual Therapy Do For Me?
The benefits of psychotherapy have been repeatedly and scientifically demonstrated for most people in most situations. Depending on your initial issues, benefits might include the lessening of symptoms and an increased sense of well-being. With a more thorough understanding of yourself, you are likely to be able to make changes that enhance your family or social relationships.
Through the therapeutic process, you may come to better understand your personal goals and values and honor them more completely in your life.